Originally started in mid 2005 as Yvette Gate's Bone Marrow Campaign as
the response of
Yvette’s family to her life threatening illness, and being told
that her only hope is to have a bone marrow transplant. With the support of a
small group of friends in Bristol, England we immediately went about campaigning to
encourage members of the black and mixed race community to come forward
and register as potential bone marrow donors. One of the first things
that we did was to learn how to build a website as an easily accessible
central source of information. This is the result, well the third
site actually, which we try to
improve as time goes by.
With the invaluable support of the African Caribbean
Leukaemia Trust (ACLT) we
organized our first Bone Marrow Registration Clinic
in Bristol. This took part as part of the Emancipation Day event held
at the Mill Youth Centre in Easton, on 31 July 2005. In the weeks prior
to that we constructed a stall (from a pasting table and some bits of
wood), made posters and leaflets and tried to
take our message to the people of Bristol. We campaigned at St Paul's
Carnival, Ashton
Court Festival and the Bristol Harbour Festival. New skills had to be
learned as we ventured into the public eye for the first time. How to
deal with interviews, TV and radio appearances. The worst are the live
ones as they leave no margin for error. We received tremendous support
and encouragement from local media organisations in our new adventures.
Without this we would have probably fallen flat on our faces.
That first clinic registered 69 new potential donors onto the
Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Register. This was an encouragement to us and
we were completely exhausted afterwards. The next clinic on September
24 was held at the St Pauls Learning and Family Centre in St Pauls.
Despite a high profile campaign in the run up to the clinic only 40
people registered on the day. Although each of those people may
represent hope to a sufferer, we were disappointed with the turnout.
More clinics followed as we worked with both the ACLT and the Anthony
Nolan Trust to raise awareness and recruit more potential donors.
started as a desperate effort to help little Yvette, had developed into
a Campaign aimed at informing people of bone marrow related illnesses
and the urgent need for more potential donors. Working with
different groups in the Bristol community and beyond we worked
tirelessly to raise
the profile of this little talked about issue. As time goes
forward we continue to develop and spread the Campaign. The one
aim - to save lives!
In 2006 we saw the need to become more organised and established the
Yvette Gate Bone Marrow Campaign as a charitable trust. In
December 2006 we were registered as a charity by the Charity Commission.
Reflecting on the period that have passed since June 2005 we realise how
far we have come. More people are being informed about bone
marrow, more people are joining the bone marrow register and more donors
are being found. And the best part of it all - lives are being
saved. People have been given a chance that they did not have
In 2009 the Campaign took on the new name Race Against Time. This
is to convey the urgency of the issue but also to remove any idea that
it is about one person - it is not. As we continue to develop and
evolve our aim remains the same: RAISING AWARENESS & SAVING LIVES.
Without the
support of so many people and organisations we would not have come this
far. There are too many names to mention here and there is always
the risk of missing someone off a list. But you know who you are!
Thank you for your continuing support.