Bone Marrow Fund
You can donate online
with JustGiving:
It couldn't be easier - just click on the
link below to donate to Race Against Time.
Do you want to do
some fundraising?
Why not create your own Fundraising page for
Race Against Time on
JustGiving. Click on the link below and
follow the instructions.
Become a Regular
Become a regular giver to
Race Against Timeand set up a
direct debit with JustGiving.
Click on the
link below and follow the instructions.
Send a Charity Greeting
We are delighted to announce our new fundraising
initiative that not only raises money for
Race Against Time
(Yvette Gate Bone Marrow Campaign), but helps
the environment too!
We have teamed up with, who
provide an eco-friendly and charitable alternative
to greeting cards. If you are going to buy a
greeting card anyway, please send a Charity Greeting
instead, support Race
Against Time (Yvette Gate Bone Marrow Campaign),
and make your thought really count. Click on
link below to find out more.
By Post:
Gift Aid means that for every pound you give,
Race Against Time (Yvette Gate Bone Marrow
will receive an extra 25 pence from the Inland
Revenue, helping your donation go further.
This means that £10 can be turned into £12.50, as
long as donations are made through Gift Aid - and it
doesn’t cost you a thing.
Download gift aid
form here.
Please make any cheques
or money orders payable to
Yvette Gate Bone Marrow Campaign.
Send your donations to:
Race Against Time
PO Box 2538
Thank you very
much for your kindness and generosity